Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Literature Assignment Write A Biography Article On John Forrester - 275 Words

Literature Assignment: Write A Biography Article On John Forrester (Other (Not Listed) Sample) Content: John ForresterJohn Forrester is a well known author from Palo Alto in California, United States. He works in the marketing industry as a fictional writer and a marketing director. He has authored many great books among them Fire Mage and Sun mage of the series Blacklight Chronicles. His books tend to fall in the genres of fantasy, childrens book and young adult. John has a wide array of hobbies that revolve around writing, reading, gardening, travelling, hiking, yoga, meditation, camping, home building and lucid dreaming.Among his favourite films are Lord of the Rings, Bram Stokers Dracula, The Bourne Ultimatum and Raiders of the Lost Ark among others which explain his bias for fictional writing. His favourite books also favour the fictional genre featuring all time favourites like Lord of the Rings, The Da Vinci Code and Game of Thrones. The allure of mystery and the creations of classic works of fiction are what inspire John most even in his choice of movies and boo ks. This is clear in his works as he puts in just the right mix of suspense to keep readers turning the pages and yearning for more with each release.Published in 2011, the first of the amazing series; Blacklight Chronicles sets off with an epic setting meant to awe fiction lovers worldwide. Fire Mage is the first in a series made up of five books published between 2011 and 2014. The story is based at the Order of the Dawn where mages perfected the art of magic for centuries before. They have over time mastered three important elements; fire, storm and wind. The story poses a captivating edge with these masters of magic living in the last free city. The rest of the world is under siege plagued by dark sorcerers.The story heats up when the main character Talis Storm and his good friend Mara uncover a dreadful secret that threatens the already shaky existence that the mages have. An attack is looming o their last resort; one that could mean mass deaths and destruction. The attack has been planned by the Jiserian Empire; a formidable force made only of ruthless and seemingly undefeatable flying necromancers.The city is definitely unprepared for this sort of attack. An unexpected aerial invasion hits the Order temple marking the beginning of the citys worst nightmare. Talis in an attempt to help casts fire magic for the first time ever. The attempt does nothing if not to worsen the situation. Because of his inexperience, the spell is wild and poses even more danger.Sorcerers now move and attempt to capture Talis and Mara who flee into the huge temple crypts. This move wakes a fallen champion in an olden day era from his ancient rest. He comes to their rescue and slays the sorcerers. Talis is handed a legendary map that will lead him and Mara on a long hard quest to uncover the elusive lost temple of the sun. In this temple lies the answer to their problems; a powerful magic locked deep inside the old temple. With a hard perilous journey ahead of him, Talis must g et the magic so that he can become a true fire mage and save his city. With a stupendous clarity and an amazing use of twists and turns, the story only gets better.In an amazing follow up in the series, the second book was published in 2012. John Forrester clearly has fans wrapped around the suspense and meticulous flow of the story. The Sun Mage promises just as much adventure if not more as the first book. We now travel very far out to the vast sea where a very mysterious island houses an ancient city named Darkov. Talia and Mara are still as relentless as they were in the first book and their arrival is eagerly anticipated by the immortal sorcerer Aurellia. If captured it might just mean the utter failure of their mission.The Temple of the Sun holds such a massive promise of power that good and evil forces in equal measure are pulled its allure. It seems as though everyone wants a piece f the power which further complicates the pairs quest.The suspense builds up with the heat on the two characters Talis and Mara who have together proven stronger than anyone would have earlier guessed. They have to use intellect and...

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